Guest Accessibility
Warner Robins Little Theatre is dedicated to providing a comfortable and enjoyable theatre experience for all individuals
Accessible Seating
Warner Robins Little Theatre has accessible seating options available for patrons with accessible needs and their companions. Wheelchair accessible tickets are available upon request and are subject to availability. Patrons should identify the need for wheelchair accessible seating when purchasing tickets by phone with the Warner Robins Little Theatre’s Box Office at 478-929-4579.
Hearing devices are also availble upon request at the Box Office.
Accessible Parking
Handicap parking spaces are located at the front of the building leading to the main entrance of the Warner Robins Little Theatre. Displaying an accessible license plate or tag is required to park in handicapped parking spaces. Parking is subject to availability.
*ALL protocols and safety measures are subject to change in response to the developing state and public health standards and best practices.